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In this regular column, every day we look at the most interesting news that revolves around the California company Apple. We focus here exclusively on the main events and selected (interesting) speculations, leaving the various leaks aside. So if you are interested in current events and want to be informed about the apple world, definitely spend a few minutes on the following paragraphs.

A new International Day of Yoga challenge is headed to the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is very popular worldwide and makes its user active in a pleasant way. It also includes the various challenges, for the completion of which you can get a virtual trophy in the form of a badge and at the same time unlock new stickers for the iMessage application. Only recently, in our magazine, you could read about a new challenge that was dedicated to International Environment Day, and to fulfill it you just had to complete a standing circle. It didn't take long before Apple prepared another challenge for us. You know that the International Day of Yoga is slowly and surely approaching. This one is attributed on June 21st and along with it comes a brand new badge. But how can you get it?

Check out the animated stickers you get with the badge:

You'll need to do more than just complete the standing ring to get the next trophy. This time, Apple will ask us to pause for a while, find time for ourselves and devote it to exercise. Of course, it will be yoga. The badge becomes available to you the moment you complete at least 20 yoga exercises. So it is simply enough for you to turn on the Exercise application directly on your watch, choose yoga, set the desired time and get started. It is necessary to mention the fact that the current challenges are adapted to the current situation. Because of the global pandemic, we should limit social interaction. The last two badges can therefore be completed very easily from home, and you don't have to leave your house or apartment to complete them.

Apple's value exceeded $1,5 trillion for the first time

The Californian giant met a very pleasant news yesterday. The value of his shares rose sharply. We also experienced a similar situation today, when the share price increased again, this time specifically by 2 percent. Of course, the value of one share also affects the market capitalization, or the market value of the entire company. Following these auspicious events, Apple can rejoice at an incredible news. The company from Cupertino was the first in the United States to exceed the value of 1,5 trillion dollars (approximately 35,07 trillion crowns in conversion) and confirmed its position as the most valuable company in the world. This is very welcome news, because even last year the value of the company was continuously falling. Of course, several investors reacted to this relatively large matter, whose opinions are fundamentally different. Some say the company is still undervalued, while others think the complete opposite.

Apple worth 1,5 trillion dollars
Source: MacRumors

We know what iOS 13.6 will bring

We only recently saw the release of the second developer beta of the iOS 13.6 operating system. This version has been available for testing for a few days now, and we are slowly learning about the various new features that await us. According to the information published so far, we will see a change in the case of automatic iOS updates. So far, we can only turn automatic updates on or off. However, iOS 13.6 will bring a new feature, with which we will be able to set it so that at night, when the iPhone is connected to WiFi and connected to the network, the latest version is automatically downloaded and possibly installed. This is a great new feature that will allow you to, for example, just download the new iOS and then take the installation into your own hands as soon as you have time for it.

What's New in iOS 13.6 (YouTube):

Another new feature concerns the native Health application. You will now be able to keep excellent records of your current condition. Under this, we can imagine the fact that we will be able to write down, for example, headaches, colds, wheezing and many others.
