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In this regular column, every day we look at the most interesting news that revolves around the California company Apple. We focus here exclusively on main events and we leave all speculations or various leaks aside. So if you are interested in current events and want to be informed about the apple world, definitely spend a few minutes on the following paragraphs.

Apple Watch continues to reign supreme in the smartwatch market

Apple watch Apple Watch has enjoyed enormous popularity since its launch. We have seen incredible progress with this product series throughout its existence. Apple primarily bets on health monitoring and he received a particularly big round of applause for the integration of the ECG sense, which can possibly inform the user about a potential cardiovascular disease. All these innovations and leading capabilities of the watch ensure that it is a total number one on the market. This is currently also confirmed by the agency Strategy Analysis, which came up with an analysis of the smartwatch market for the first quarter of this year.

Smart watches in general are becoming more and more popular among users. Despite the current world crisis because this market met with 20% year-on-year increase in sales, when around 13,7 million units were sold. It is the Apple Watch that holds the top spot with more than half the share (55%), while the other spots are occupied by models from the workshops of Samsung and Garmin. According to the data of the mentioned agency, in the first quarter of 2020 there were sales of around 7,6 million pieces of apple watches, which points to a 23% year-on-year increase. But Samsung also improved, increasing sales from 1,7 to 1,9 million. But how will the sale of smart watches continue? Strategy Analysis predicts that sales will increase slightly in the second quarter will slow down. Of course, we will have to wait for more precise dates.

Apple is once again investing in the fight against the global pandemic

Today, Apple showed off the perfect new product to the world. The Cupertino company invested 10 million dollars (about 25,150 million crowns) to the company COPAN Diagnostics as part of their Advanced Manufacturing fund. This company specializes in the production of collection kits for coronavirus samples, and any investment helps them with the potential increase in production volume. Already in the past, Apple used the same fund to support companies in their supply chain. But the Californian giant is fighting the coronavirus on several fronts. In addition to this investment, Apple donated 20 million certified masks FFP2 and published his own design for the production of protective face shields. During the current global pandemic, it is very important for companies to cooperate and help in the fight against the disease COVID-19. Cooperation is also worth mentioning Apple with Google, who teamed up to create a tracking API. This technology can track contact between people with the aforementioned disease and possibly reduce the spread of the virus.

Apple COVID samples
Source: 9to5Mac

Facebook's flawed SDK causes apps to crash

In recent days, iPhone and iPad users have been complaining more and more about a new problem. It happens to fall by selected applications almost immediately after turning them on, which makes it very unpleasant and even completely limits their use. These applications should include the popular Waze navigation, Pinterest, Spotify, Adobe Spark, Quora, TikTok and many others. And where is the mistake? According to the developers at GitHub behind these problems Facebook. The selected applications allow users to log in through the social network Facebook, which they now use wrong development toolset (SDK). It is strange, however, that the problem is also encountered by users who do not use the option to log in via the blue social network at all. However, this error should be identified soon, and according to the developers, it could be fixed through a server update, which, of course, does not need to be installed on end devices.

Source: Facebook