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The Maps app in iOS 6 gets better with every beta. The vector version already shows the built-up area and many other details have been added that make the map base more and more usable, even though satellite maps are still poor, at least as far as the Czech Republic is concerned. The third beta brought an interesting novelty for domestic users – Czech voice navigation. Although Beta 3 was released a month and a half ago, there is also a newer version in the world, but there hasn't been much talk about the Czech voice yet.

The first and second betas used Siri technology, so voice navigation was only supported in a few languages. Since the third beta, voice synthesis has been used in languages ​​that Sri does not yet know, which has already existed since iOS 5. Zuzana's voice is used for Czech navigation, which otherwise converts text into spoken language on an iPhone or iPad, you can also find it on a Mac. Czech voice synthesis in action:

[youtube id=EN-52-X7NV8 width=”600″ height=”350″]

We noticed several interesting things about the navigation:

  • If you have entered a destination that cannot be reached by car, the navigation will guide you to the nearest place where you can park and further guide you on foot.
  • The color of the route abroad is blue, in the home country green.
  • Navigation reports traffic jams and roadblocks.
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