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Do you like endless running games? Are you a fan of old Game Boy consoles? Are you flying Super Mario? Then definitely get smarter, because I have a good tip for you on a new game Stagehand: A Reverse Platformer from the developers of Big Bucket Software. They have behind them successful titles headed by Space Age: A Cosmic Adventure or The Incidents. In the field of iOS games, there are no B's, but the studio itself guarantees great fun with the new title, which I can unequivocally confirm.

The Stagehand game relies on proven gaming experiences, but with unique controls and game principles. In the game, you do not control the main character, but the surrounding terrain. With a slight exaggeration, it could be said that you basically create the game yourself. The character is constantly running and your task is to move the individual platforms to such a level that they are reachable for the character and he can easily run over them or jump on them.

Even the jump itself takes place automatically, and if you want, you can trigger it yourself with a simple tap. However, I don't really recommend it in practice, because it just slows you down. It's much easier to take the hill in front of you and swipe up/down to increase/decrease it. However, to make it not so simple, the developers have prepared a very rugged terrain that is constantly changing in every game. The longer you run, the more demanding your attention and perception will be in the surrounding environment. Individual platforms will be chopped into smaller pieces, among which there is, for example, a ditch, water or a burning fire.

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You'll also come across different acceleration/deceleration platforms as you play, and there are even obstacles sticking out of the sky. In short, in Stagehand you can move absolutely everything, except the character. The main character's speed cannot be controlled, and if you don't prepare the way for him properly, he crashes and you have to start all over again. The game is constantly changing, so don't expect to rehearse your path in advance. You also have to collect coins with the figurine, for which you can get a reward in the form of new characters after some time, for example a little girl, an astronaut or a black hipster.

You can also look forward to proper retro music and design at Stagehand. The game is quite addictive from the first moment, you still need to improve your score, which you can increase with different combinations and jumps. This is also the only and actually endless task that awaits you. You can also compare the results with your friends, but don't expect anything more. The retro firework is designed as an endless runner. If you completely drop it, the only thing stopping you is a dead iPhone battery.

At the end of each round, you can have a simple GIF of your death created, which can be shared on, for example, Twitter or saved to your phone as a keepsake. The very first time I played the game, I remember not even making it to the second obstacle, so it takes some practice and practice. I recommend using both hands, preferably thumbs, and preparing the terrain in advance. It also pays to always literally kick the character up along with the unevenness of the terrain when you see that there is some chasm in front of you. A two-euro investment in Stagehand: A Reverse Platformer promises a quality portion of entertainment that won't let you sleep.

[appbox app store 977536934]
