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We've already talked about the new maps in iOS 6 written lots of. Some are happy with Apple's creation, others hate it. Above all, the second group is waiting for Google to invade the App Store with its application, so that it can once again use Google Maps natively. But for now, we all have to wait…

It was speculated in the media that Apple is blocking Google's new application and does not want to let it into the App Store, but this is definitely not true. The CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, is for Reuters revealed that for now his company has not even taken any such steps as sending the application for approval.

Google is definitely working on a new native map application for iOS, but we won't see it anytime soon. "We haven't done anything yet," Schmidt told reporters in Tokyo. "We have been discussing this with Apple for a long time, we talk to them every day."

So we no longer have to ask if there will be Google Maps for iOS, but when. This is not yet clear, so users on more than 100 million iOS devices, which according to Apple have already been updated to iOS 6, will have to thank the new maps directly from the Californian company. She is aware of the shortcomings of her application, which is why Apple spokesperson Trudy Muller also stated: "The more people use the maps, the better they will be."
