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Google Translate can easily be called one of the most useful applications when traveling. The huge popularity of the translator is not only due to the fact that it is completely free, but also a number of special functions that Google acquired thanks to the acquisition of the company Quest Visual and its application Word Lens. We are specifically talking about the ability to translate text with the help of the camera, and the company has greatly improved this, which, among other things, will also please our people.

Google on its blog today informed, that the instant camera translation function in its translator now supports more than 60 languages, and the good news is that Czech and Slovak are also on the list. A complete list of all languages ​​for which the feature can now be used is available at this page.

In addition to the above, the engineers at Google also managed to significantly improve the function, which they owe mainly to the newly deployed neutral network. Thanks to this, the results are much more accurate and natural, with 55% to 85% less error. The occurrence of errors depends on the selected languages ​​- each combination has a different percentage value. In addition, the application can now recognize in which language the text is written and thus offers an automatic translation into Czech as well.

The application interface has also undergone certain improvements. Three sections have been added to the bottom of the screen, where the user can switch between instant translation, scanning text after highlighting with a finger, and importing a photo from the gallery. The option to activate/deactivate the flash has moved to the upper right corner, the element to turn off instant translation automatically appears at the bottom edge. Conversely, the option to switch to a telephoto lens has disappeared from the interface.

Google Translate Translation camera