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One of the most controversial aspects of the iPhone 5 is the new maps that are part of the iOS 6 operating system. Journalists speculate what is behind Apple's decision to use its own solution and how "damaged" Google views the whole thing.

The contract that Apple made with Google years ago is often talked about. According to her, Apple could have developed an iOS application using map data provided by Google. This contract was originally effective until next year, but in Cupertino, before this year's WWDC conference, the decision was made to develop its own solution. According to the server The Verge Google was absolutely unprepared for this step, and its surprised developers will now have to hurry up with the release of the new application. According to server sources, the work is still halfway through and we can expect completion in a few months.

Apple's decision is completely logical, because the previously supplied application was very functionally far behind compared to other offers, say on Android. Perhaps most of all, users missed voice navigation. The use of vector maps is also a great benefit, even if the new solution itself carries a lot of bugs and necessary fixes. However, the question arises as to why there were no negotiations to incorporate new functions into the existing application.

The thing is, although Google has started charging its biggest customers to use its map services, its business priorities lie elsewhere. Presumably, in exchange for modern features, it would require more prominent branding, deep integration of Latitude-type personal services, as well as user location data collection. While we can have discussions about how much Apple cares about protecting the privacy of its customers, it certainly couldn't make such concessions in exchange for upgrading one sub-app.

Apple therefore had two other options. He could have stuck with the current solution until the end of the validity of the aforementioned contract, which would, of course, have two major disadvantages. There would be no updating of the existing application and, in particular, it would only be a matter of postponing the decision, which would necessarily have to happen next year anyway. The second solution is to completely deviate from Google and create your own map solution. Of course, this also brings with it a number of problems.

A new map service cannot be developed overnight. It is necessary to conclude contracts with dozens of providers of map materials and satellite images. Developers have to deal with the total rewriting of the code and the implementation of new functions, graphics with the debugging of vector backgrounds. Apple's management then decided to make several strategic acquisitions. After all, more than one technologically focused server reported on them. Probably no one could have overlooked the significant buyout of the company C3 Technologies, which is behind the sophisticated technology for the new 3D display. Considering how Apple approaches the policy of acquisitions, it must have been clear that the newly acquired technologies will find their way into one of the upcoming products.

Server assertion The Verge therefore seems a bit hair-raising. In recent years, Apple has been constantly under the scrutiny of fans and expert websites, and important news sometimes even make it into the tabloid press, so it is hard to imagine that Google would not be prepared for the end of cooperation on the part of Apple. And this despite the fact that this assumption is based on "unnamed sources from Google". The entire tech world has been speculating about this move for three years, but Google didn't count on it?

These claims can only mean two things. It is possible that Google is just obfuscating and the development has been delayed for some reason. The second possibility is that the management of the company is so out of touch with reality that it had unlimited faith in the extension of the existing contract and did not see the possibility of its early termination. Whatever our opinion of Google, we don't want to like either option. We will probably find out the correct answer only at the turn of the year, when we should expect the new application.
