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If you've been having trouble sending messages via iMessage lately, you're not alone, users in both North America and Europe have experienced service outages. When trying to send an iMessage, the app stops at status Sending, however the message is not sent and ends with a message Failed to send message. In case of this error, it does not even send a classic SMS, which the application normally does in case of an unavailable service.

The global outage affects iPhones, iPads and iPod touches as well as Mac computers running OS X 10.8, where iMessage is one of the pre-installed applications. We can also confirm the outage in the Czech Republic, where we encountered the same problem. Apple has not yet commented on the whole situation. We will inform you about any new information in an updated article.

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Fortunately, it seems that this was only a short-term outage and iMessage is now working as it should.
