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When you want to create your own ringtone, all you have to do is edit your favorite melody on your computer, upload it to iTunes and sync it with your iPhone. With Georing, all you need to choose a ringtone is the content of your music library right on your iPhone.

The application is very simple, but it fulfills its purpose very well. After starting Georing, just select your favorite song in the menu. Then you set the time period from when the song should start playing and save. You can also select multiple songs this way. The application then randomly selects which hit will ring. However, there are a few snags. Georing must run in the background, then you must z this page download silent ringtones that you normally sync with iTunes. Then you save it as the main ringtone in the settings. If you didn't do that, you would get two melodies. One original from iPhone and the other from Georing.

Another useful feature I find is the geotag of all incoming calls. In practice, this means that if you receive any call, Georing will record it and then save it in the card recent you can see on the map where you received that call. If you know an even easier way to use songs from the music library as ringtones, I'd be happy if you could share it in the discussion.

Georing €0,79