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A very interesting Galileo project should soon emerge from the development stage, which is a robotic holder for an iPhone or iPod touch that will allow unlimited rotation and rotation with the given device remotely. What good can such a thing do, you ask? The possibilities of use are really only limited by your imagination.

Galileo is a rotating platform in which you place your iPhone, turn on the camera, and then remotely control it with another iOS device by dragging your finger, or shoot as you need. Galileo can be used both in photography and cinematography, but also in social networks and video conferencing. The holder allows unlimited 360° rotation with the iPhone, while it is able to turn the device 200° in any direction in a single second.

What is Galileo good for?

With Galileo, the experience of shooting and taking pictures with iPhones and iPod touch can be completely changed. During video calls and conferences, you can use it to stay in the center of the action and see what is happening in the whole room, not just at a certain point. Galileo also brings a new dimension to babysitting, where you are no longer fixed to just one place, but can monitor the entire room.

Galileo is great for taking time-lapse photos. You place the holder with the iPhone in the ideal place - for example to capture the sunset and easily create dynamic time-lapse videos/photos, for which you can also configure different automatic patterns for shooting and moving the holder.

Galileo can also be a capable addition in filmmaking experiments, when you capture original shots that you would otherwise take with great difficulty. You can easily create a 360-degree virtual tour of a room, etc. with Galileo.

What can Galileo do?

Unlimited 360-degree rotation and rotation, then it can turn 200° in one second. Galileo can be controlled from either an iPad, iPhone or web interface. From iOS devices, finger control is understandably more intuitive, on a computer you have to replace the swipe gesture with a mouse.

Importantly, together with the product itself, the creators will also release the development tools (SDK), which will provide unlimited possibilities in the use of Galileo. It will be possible to build its functions into existing applications or create new hardware that will use the rotating bracket (eg mobile cameras or mobile robots).

Galileo has a classic thread to which you connect a standard tripod, which again increases the possibilities of use. The rotating holder is charged via a USB cable, Galileo also serves as a stylish docking/charging station for your iPhone and iPod touch.

The device itself contains a 1000mAH lithium-polymer battery that lasts between 2 and 8 hours depending on usage. If the Galileo is constantly moving, it will last less than if you are capturing slower time-lapse shots.

The developers are preparing to implement it into existing applications as well, while also discussing with Apple the use of Galileo in FaceTime. A robotic holder for the popular GoPro camera is also planned, but the current one will not work with it due to the connection.

Detailed specifications of Galileo

  • Compatible devices: iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch fourth generation
  • Control: iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPod touch fourth generation, web browser.
  • Colors: black, white, limited green edition
  • Weight: less than 200 grams
  • Dimensions: 50 x 82,55 mm closed, 88,9 x 109,22 mm open
  • The universal thread is compatible with all standard tripods

Support the Galileo project

Galileo is currently on the web, which tries to provide new and creative projects with the financial support necessary for their implementation. You can also contribute any amount. The more you donate, the more rewards you will receive - from promotional t-shirts to the product itself. The creators claim that they are already very close to releasing Galileo to the world, and it is expected that this revolutionary holder could appear on store shelves already in the middle of this year.
