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Although we learned about the creation of the Mac App Store only a few hours ago, we can already look forward to one game title that will definitely appear in the new software store for Macs. Developer Firemint has announced that it is set to foray into PCs with its highly successful Flight Control title.

At the Back to the Mac keynote, we learned from Steve Jobs that Apple was preparing the same store for Mac users as we know from iOS devices, i.e. similar to the App Store. It will be called the Mac App Store on computers, and everyone has high hopes for it. Jobs also revealed that starting in November, Apple will accept the first applications from developers, but we already know in advance which title we can look forward to.

The Australian game studio Firemint didn't wait for anything and announced Flight Control for Mac. I don't believe there is anyone who hasn't heard of this blockbuster, but still. Flight Control first appeared on the App Store in March 2009 and has since sold millions of copies. Meanwhile, "air traffic control" also made its way to the PlayStation Move and Nintendo DSi, and in its HD version also to the iPad.

The announcement of a Mac port of Flight Control is the first of its kind, and everyone expects to see similar news more often for other popular titles. Moreover, Firemint's statement is not rushed, as the Australians showed a real screenshot of Flight Control played on Mac, which means that they have been working on the game for some time.
