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Fitbit is another company offering free content to people in quarantine. Specifically, a premium membership for new Fitbit users, which will facilitate home exercise and offer several interesting benefits. You don't even need a Fitbit watch or wristband to activate and use your account. All you need is a mobile application in which you can collect data and play videos, audio tracks or read tips.

Normally, a premium account is available to new members for free for 7 days, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Fitbit has decided to extend this trial period to 3 months. It normally costs 279 CZK / month, so this is a very generous offer. With this account you will receive access to all the content in the app, which is a large number of audio/video exercises, special programs including advice on how to eat and start healthier habits. If you own a Fitbit watch or bracelet, you can also look forward to personalized statistics or advanced sleep measurement.

In the Fitbit app you can free download in the App Store, is located directly in the Premium section, where the 90-day trial period can be activated. Payment details are required for activation, as a paid membership is automatically activated after three months. In any case, as soon as you activate your membership for free, you can cancel the payment, including the payment card, and you will not be charged anything in 3 months.
