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In mid-August, I visited the iTunes store after a while. I fished in some new titles, some less, and three films were added to my collection that I can't help but share. Each one has its roots in a different genre, each one is exceedingly mastered as a filmmaker, and last but not least, each one of them has a not quite traditional way of telling and rhythm. Let's imagine the second of them: Blood Bond.

Seventies drama about brothers with a rifle

Two years ago, a visually inconspicuous film by the (rather unknown) French actor and occasional director, Guillaume Canet, premiered. Blood bond I registered just because of its entry into iTunes, I was interested in the cast, already thanks to the charismatic tough guy Clive Owen and, last but not least, James Caan. Maybe virtually zero promotion and also has familiarity with what from Blood bond expect, played a positive role in my final impression.

The film pleasantly surprised me. I verified that there is absolutely no point in solving (and following) observations on the ČSFD, where Blood bond it was met with a relatively solid, slightly above-average rating, but also with a number of completely condemning comments, which mainly attack the pace and the absence of plot/tension in the film. I must have been watching another movie because for over two hours I Blood bond it did not let go of its tight grip.

[youtube id=”ONz6R4LF5nY” width=”620″ height=”360″]

I do not deny that even here - as well as at Tobruk – the dramaturgy of excessive adherence to traditional construction and the attempt to (pleasantly) alternate dramatic moments with rest and work with spectacular gradation and denouement were cut out. But Canet did not go as far as Marhoul, Blood bond it offers a set of conflicts that must inevitably result in a larger clash (catastrophe or even catharsis). Perhaps, with regard to the moderation that characterizes the means of expression and the way of telling, the finale might not be so intense, but I would probably ask the film to give up additional percentages (in attendance and ratings in our ČSFD).

The film intrigued me not only because it was set in the 70s, when time does not enter into the plot, but it is pleasant to look at the retro visuals (and listen to selected songs). It is intimate in its focus on the conflict between two brothers, with roots already in their childhood, on the clash of good and evil, on the search for balance when a person tries to help or protect others, or is already harming them. And when they only protect themselves. It is sympathetic that the two central heroes do not say much, they practically do not convey grievances, accusations, but also mutual respect and love to each other's eyes - everything takes place through subtle gestures or (violent) action.

Maybe now that I am Blood bond so praised, you will already have different expectations than I had before, nevertheless I hope (and believe) that this recommendation of mine will interest you. I would love to watch the movie again...

You can watch the movie buy in iTunes (7,99 EUR in HD or 3,99 EUR in SD quality), or rent (4,99 EUR in HD or 2,99 EUR in SD quality).
