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In the course of these and the next few days, Facebook will launch a feature for those who discover so much interesting things through it that they are not able to respond to everything immediately, but would like to do so later.

So, not that it is not possible already, but the new "Save" function presents a way that is much more efficient than going through the wall and looking for the required information, or using the capabilities of the browser in the form of bookmarks and a reading list.

When scrolling through the wall or selected posts on the main page, there is a small arrow in the upper right corner of each individual post. Below it are options for handling the given post, such as marking it as spam, hiding, warning, etc. After the update, which will reach individual users in the near future, the option "Save..." will be added.

All saved posts will then be found in one place (under the "More" tab in the bottom panel of the iOS application; in the left panel on the website), sorted by type (everything, links, places, music, books, etc.). By sliding to the left, options for sharing and deleting (archiving) will appear for individual saved items. To give the otherwise relatively hidden feature some meaning, notifications about saved posts will appear on the main page from time to time. The list of saved posts will be available only to the given user.

[vimeo id=”101133002″ width=”620″ height=”350″]

In conclusion, the new function can be beneficial for both parties – the user can save information more efficiently for later access, Facebook gets more of the user's time for advertising and data collection.

Source: cultofmac, MacRumors
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