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Do you want to take one important exam in your life? Do you want to get as many points as possible and thus own a driver's license? Maybe an app will help you eTests.

eTests help learner drivers in simple and high-quality preparation for the test - in a fun way. Almost every young person thinking about driving a car or any other type of vehicle these days has a mobile phone with them at all times. So there is no obstacle for him to download this application. In addition, it can help those who have already successfully passed such an exam and have been driving regularly for several years. They can refresh some of the additions and paragraphs, on the other hand, they can take it as an interesting competition and diversion, or whether they would pass such a test again.

This application is an ideal tool for practicing the tests required to obtain a license for vehicles of type A, B, B+E, C, C+E, D, D+E. What is her advantage? All tests are in Czech, the questions use images more than abundantly, and the application also works in offline mode. So you can answer tricky questions as long as you have enough energy. Each test has a classic 25 questions, where you can get a maximum of 50 points. Each question has only one correct answer. You must score a minimum of 43 points to pass the test. You have a time limit of half an hour, after which the test will be evaluated regardless of the number of questions you answer. The application uses the capabilities of the iPhone primarily to display images on the entire screen (by double-clicking) and also to swipe (move) questions.

When you start the application, you have three links on the screen: Run the test, View questions a About aplication. Let's discuss these points in order.

Thanks for choosing Run the test then you're on your way, you just choose the group and the difficulty of the questions. In the upper right part of the screen you can see the remaining time, in the upper left part of the screen you can see how many questions you have left. At the same time, you will not be deprived of information on how many points you can get from a given question. In option View questions you can choose the group for which the given questions are prepared, then which set of questions you want to choose and then the last part: the difficulty of the given subject. When you think you can drive better than Ryan Gosling, just step on the pedal.

In the item About aplication you will find a description and links to the people behind the development from whom the information was drawn as well as websites where you can get more details. The creator of the application is the company NETservis, s.r.o. and it was created in cooperation with the Driving School of Mr. Ing. Ondřej Horázný.

What do I value most? The clarity and simplicity with which the developers set about creating it. It's easy to control and if I personally like green, I would definitely like it with all ten. I don't like it, but even so, when trying the tests, I thought to myself: "I wish it was on the market a few years ago, when I did these tests." For those who just want to try the application for now, there is also free version.

[button color=red link= target=““]eTests – €2,39[/button]
