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Elon Musk is often compared to Steve Jobs. Both are considered visionaries who in their own way push/have pushed the boundaries within their field of business. Last week, Elon Musk presented his planned and highly controversial electric pickup to the world, and during the presentation he used the legendary Jobs passage "One more thing".

If you haven't spent the last few days away from the internet and social media, you've probably registered the new Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup that was unveiled last week. The most hype was caused by the unfortunate test of the "bulletproof" glass, which turned out to be less durable than the people at Tesla, including Musk, expected (some call the whole situation a marketing ploy, we'll leave the assessment to you). That funny reference to Jobs happened at the very end of the presentation, which you can see in the video below (time 3:40).

As part of "One more thing", Elon Musk casually mentioned that, in addition to the futuristic Cybertruck pick-up, the automaker has developed its own electric four-wheeler, which will also be on sale, and those interested will be able to buy it as an "accessory" for their new pick-up , with which it will be fully compatible - including the possibility of charging from the pick-up battery.

Steve Jobs used his favorite phrase "One more thing" exactly 31 times during Apple conferences. The iMac G3 first appeared in this segment in 1999, and the last time Jobs introduced iTunes Match this way was during WWDC in 2011.

Source: Forbes
