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You can use a lot of advanced text editors on the iPad, led by Pages, but for some, a simple text editor with basic functions is enough. Developers from Second Gear are now coming up with a similar application, with Elements they want to score especially with automatic connection to Dropbox. And just to clarify, Elements works not only on the iPad, but also on iPhones and iPod touches.

Elements is a simple text editor that offers you the option of changing the font, its size and the color of the text. You can also change the background color. The app even supports great TextExpander and if you don't like automatic text correction, you can turn it off. Furthermore, in Elements you can find such little things as a word and character counter. Also useful is the Scratchpad, where you can jot down your ideas while writing the document.

Still wondering what's so amazing about this editor? The answer is simple - Dropbox! This is because Elements "stick" to your Dropbox account and then automatically save each file there (every 60 seconds). When you happen to be offline, the application remembers newly created or changed files. It will send them to your account immediately when you connect.

What is dropbox? Web-based file storage that can sync between PCs, Macs and mobile phones. Each user here gets 2GB of free space and can increase the capacity during use.

And it's this connection that makes Elements such a powerful tool. You have an instant device for your notes not only from the iPad, but also directly on the iPhone or on the desktop computer, practically without a single click. When you need to send a file to someone else, you can use email. In addition, Elements will send the text as an attachment, not just as the text of the email, which is also nice.

You will have to pay extra for the app, but for those of you who use its services to the fullest, €4 will be a good investment. Plus, for this price, you get the app for both iPhone and iPad.

App store link - Elements (€3,99)