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Commercial message: In cooperation with our partner Mobil Emergency, we have prepared a Sunday discount event for you, as in previous weeks, thanks to which you can save significantly. This time the discount concerns the electric scooter Lenovo ELectric Scooter M2, which can be obtained thanks to it with a great discount of 10%. Just use the discount code at checkout lsaekolo10. 

Electric scooters have enjoyed enormous popularity in recent years, which is also constantly growing. If you would like to try it yourself, ideally on a machine with a great price/performance ratio, we have a tip for you on one very interesting piece. We are specifically talking about the Lenovo Electric Scooter M2, boasting a range of 30 km, a maximum speed of 25 km/h, a great suspension system for increased riding comfort, and 8,5" tubeless tires. 


The regular price of the electric scooter is CZK 11990, thanks to the discount code lsaekolo10 however, you can get it 10% cheaper - i.e. for CZK 10. 

You can buy the electric scooter here
