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When it comes to system errors somewhere, it is usually more synonymous with Windows or Android devices. But it is true that even Apple products do not avoid various shortcomings, although perhaps to a lesser extent. In addition, the company always paid for the one that tries to solve the errors and fix them promptly. Not so now. 

If something Apple clearly did not succeed, it was a matter of a few days, when it released, for example, only the hundredth system update that solved the given problem. But this time it is different and the question is why Apple still does not respond. When he released iOS 16.2 along with the HomePod update, it also included the new architecture of his Home app. And it caused more problems than good.

Not every update brings only news 

This, of course, takes care of managing accessories compatible with HomeKit. It was supposed to improve your entire smart home not only in terms of performance, but also speed and reliability. But the transition to a new architecture is rather the opposite. It rather disabled them for users of HomeKit products. It also applies not only to iPhones, but also to iPads, Macs, Apple Watch and HomePods.

In particular, with them, if you want to give Siri a command, she will tell you that she is unable to do it, because she cannot see the given accessory that you want to control. You then have to set it up again or activate its function through a "personal device", i.e. iPhone. However, resets and restarts do not always help, and in practice you can only wait for an update from Apple before they face the situation and solve it.

But iOS 16.2 was already released in mid-December, and even after a month nothing is happening from Apple. At the same time, it cannot be said that this is just some small thing, because the whole year 2023 should belong to smart households, thanks to the new Matter standard. However, if this is the future of the smart home presented by Apple, there is not much to look forward to. 
