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Technology enthusiasts appreciate every new feature that Apple adds to its iPhones. Regular users try to ignore them if they don't see a use for it. But then there are especially older users for whom iOS is too complicated, with a lot of offers and a not very clear interface that overwhelms them with information. Easy mode could change that. 

V Settings you can control a lot about how your iPhone looks and reacts. When you go to Display and brightness, there are options: Text size, Bold text, Display, which will enlarge icons, notifications, and other options. If, on the other hand, you go to Disclosure a Touch, you can define here Touch customization. Here, on the other hand, you can ignore the repetition of the touch or its length. But these choices are very hidden, difficult to understand, and seniors probably won't know about them unless someone tells them and sets them up (but the issue of display doesn't have to be aimed only at seniors, of course).

In iOS 16.2, code appears that contains fragments of the new "Easy" mode. So it's not present in the software version yet, but it could mean that Apple might add it with one of the following updates. At the same time, his goal would be to change the environment so that the offers are even more visible, less complex and, above all, bigger. If Apple went further, it could also offer to hide various functions and options. It cannot be said that it would be something new.

Easy mode on Android 

In general, touch phones are very easy to use. All you have to do is tap your finger on what you see, and the action will be performed accordingly. But basically, smartphones are not set up to be friendly even for less proficient users. This is also why Samsung offers its Easy mode in its One UI superstructure. So one click activates a simple Home screen layout with larger items on the screen, a longer tap-hold delay to prevent accidental actions, and a high-contrast keyboard to improve readability. At the same time, with this step, all customizations made on the Home screen will be canceled so as not to accidentally rearrange icons, etc.

The touch and hold delay can be set from 0,3 s to 1,5 s, but you can also set your own. If you don't like the black letters on the yellow keyboard, you can also turn off this option here, or specify other alternatives, like white letters on the blue keyboard, etc. This would be a big plus on iOS, because now you have to search for everything and activate it individually. If Apple combined everything into one mode, where you would just go through the wizard and switch the mode to activate it and change your environment, and then turn it off again if necessary, even the disabled would appreciate it. 
