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Apple's industrial design team is currently going through a number of significant changes. According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, several veterans are leaving the team. The team, led by Jon Ivy, has so far numbered roughly two dozen employees.

Rico Zorkendorfer and Daniele De Iuliis worked at the Cupertino company for a total of 35 years, but recently both decided to leave the renowned design team. Another of its members, Julian Hönig, was part of the team for ten years. But he is also set to leave in the next few months. The Wall Street Journal reported on the departures, citing close sources. Rico Zorkendorfer said he needed to take a break from his work life to spend more time with his family, adding that working on Apple's design team was an honor for him. Daniele De Iuliis and Julian Hönig have yet to comment on their departures.

The industrial design team plays a large part in Apple's success. The group of experts, led by Jony Ive, has become famous for its firmness and personnel stability - during the last ten years, the team has seen very few departures. Already in the days of Steve Jobs, Apple pampered its design team accordingly.

The Wall Street Journal describes how Jobs was proud of his design team, paying a great deal of attention to them and visiting almost daily to see their work on future products. It was thanks to Jobs' careful care that the team became one of the best working groups at Apple, and its members were very close to each other. Along with the rising value of Apple, its designers gradually became millionaires thanks to benefits in the form of shares. Many of them could afford to buy a second or even a third house.

In the past few years, however, the composition of the team began to gradually change. Danny Coster left the team in 2016 when he went to work for GoPro, Christopher Stringer left a year later. The departures began after team leader Jony Ive relinquished day-to-day oversight of his work.

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Source: The Wall Street Journal
