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Day One by Bloom Built is one of the best note-taking apps for iOS and OS X. It offers Markdown text formatting, photo embedding, location and weather connections, tagging, and other features that are covered in our review. Although Day One offered social sharing, it was always primarily a private affair. This is now changing with the new service Publish.

Some users have complained that they cannot share their notes uniformly, in bulk and with later review. All this is elegantly solved by Publish. You simply create your account on Publish, where you fill in your name, profile photo and possibly link to your Facebook, Twitter or Foursquare accounts. This covers all sharing of one note. At the same time, the "Published" menu will be added to the main menu, for an overview of all shared notes.

Once you've created a profile on Publish, a bookmark icon will appear on the bottom left, which you can click to bring up a screen with options to share to your public Publish account. Shared notes will appear on the domain, whereby only people who know its URL will be able to view the note. Unfortunately, the Czech diacritics are displayed incorrectly, so instead of "Too yellow-eared horse licked devil's ode" on the website you will see "Too yellow-eared kun licked devil's ode". If after some time you decide not to share the note, you can simply do so directly in the application. Previously, you would have to go through all the social networks where you shared a post and remove it from them individually.

A nice feature is the statistics at the end of each entry. I recommend this as a good example notes by Paul Mayne, CEO of Bloom Built. Shows formatting options using Markdown. At the bottom of the page you will find the location, weather and also the mentioned sharing statistics. Day One is a universal application for iPhones and iPads. A Mac version is also available.


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