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This weekend saw a second case of alleged fraud and abuse of user accounts on the AppStore. These were travel-based applications that saw significant sales growth.

Questionable apps from developer WiiShii Network were quickly pulled from the AppStore after ArsTechnica reported their rise in the sports category on Friday. [EN] GYOYO Shanghai Travel Helper and [EN] GYOYO Beijing Travel Helper made it into the TOP 10 even before they were removed.

An reader sent in a sample copy of his iTunes invoice, $168,89 missing from his account without his permission. The $3,99 purchases were all from the Shanghai WiiShii retailer.

This incident came a few days after the first scam (which we already informed you about), when developer Thuat Nguyen took 42 of the TOP 50 places in the book section of the AppStore.

Apple responded very quickly, removing the developer and its apps from the AppStore. It further appeals to users to check their accounts to make sure that no one has made purchases on them without their knowledge. It was also emphasized again that private data is not sent to developers when they purchase their app.

In total, 400 of the total 150 million active iTunes accounts were compromised. The company is now planning to introduce new security features to minimize other various scams in the future. For us users, this may mean entering the three-digit credit card security code (CCV-Credit Card Verification) more often. Hopefully, this step will at least partially prevent future scams.
