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The announcement of support for third-party keyboards in iOS 8 caused excitement, and after three months of the new operating system and alternative keyboards out there, we can say that the iPhone typing experience can really be significantly better thanks to them. I've been using SwiftKey since it came out with Czech language support, which eventually became my number one keyboard.

Typing on the basic keyboard in iOS is certainly not bad. If users have complained about something over the years, the keyboard has usually not been one of the points mentioned. However, by opening up to third-party keyboards, Apple gave users a taste of something that people have been using on Android for years, and it did well. Especially for a Czech user, the new way of entering text can be a major innovation.

If you write especially in Czech, you have to deal with a number of obstacles that our otherwise magical mother tongue puts up. Above all, you have to take care of hooks and dashes, which is not so convenient on miniature mobile keyboards, and at the same time, due to the rich vocabulary, it is not so easy to build a really functional dictionary necessary for correct prediction, which Apple also came up with in iOS 8.

Predicting what you want to type is nothing new in the world of keyboards. In the latest version of its operating system, Apple practically only responded to the trend from Android, from where it finally allowed third-party keyboards into iOS. A significant inspiration for the developers from Cupertino was the SwiftKey keyboard, which is among the most popular. And it's better than the basic one in iOS.

Innovative moderation

The big advantage of SwiftKey, somewhat paradoxically, lies in the fact that it shares many elements with the basic keyboard. Let's start with the most obvious - appearance. The developers tried to graphically process their keyboard very similar to the original one from iOS, which is good for several reasons. On the one hand, with a white skin (a dark one is also available), it matches perfectly with the bright environment of iOS 8, and on the other hand, it has an almost identical layout and size of the individual buttons.

The question of appearance is practically as important as the functionality of the keyboard, because it is a part of the system that you use almost constantly, so it is impossible for the graphics to be weak. This is where some other alternative keyboards can burn, but SwiftKey gets this part right.

Even more important in the final is the mentioned layout and the size of the individual buttons. Many other third-party keyboards come with completely innovative layouts, either to differentiate themselves or to introduce a new, different way of typing. However, SwiftKey does not undertake such experiments and offers a layout very similar to the keyboard we have known from iOS for years. The change comes only when you tap the first few letters.

The same, but actually different

Anyone who has ever used the English keyboard in iOS 8 with prediction knows the line above the keyboard that always suggests three words well. SwiftKey has earned its reputation for this very principle, and word prediction is something it excels at.

Just type the first few letters and SwiftKey will suggest the words you probably want to type. After a month of using it, it continues to amaze me how perfect the predictive algorithm is in this keyboard. SwiftKey learns with every word you say, so if you often write the same phrases or expressions, it will automatically offer them for the next time, and sometimes you get into a situation where you practically do not press letters, but just select the right words in the upper panel.

For the Czech user, this way of writing is essential mainly in that he does not have to worry about diacritics. You won't even find dash and hook buttons on SwiftKey, but more on that later. It was the dictionary I dreaded the most with the alt keys. In this regard, Czech is not as simple as English, and for the predictive system to work, the Czech dictionary in the keyboard must be of a really high level. Fortunately, SwiftKey has done a very good job on this front as well.

From time to time, of course, you will come across a word that the keyboard does not recognize, but once you type it, SwiftKey will remember it and offer it to you next time. You don't have to save it anywhere with any other clicks, you just write it, confirm it in the top line and don't do anything else. In the opposite way, by holding your finger on the offered word that you never want to see again, you can delete expressions from the dictionary. SwiftKey can also be linked to your social media accounts, from where your "personal dictionary" can also be uploaded.

The absence of a hook and a comma is a bit annoying when you're typing an unknown word, so you have to hold your finger on a specific letter and wait for all its variations to appear, but then again, you shouldn't come across it that often. The problem with SwiftKey is mainly words with prepositions, when they are often separated in an unwanted way (e.g. "not irresistible", "in time", etc.), but luckily the keyboard learns quickly.

Traditionally, or with a twist

However, SwiftKey is not only about prediction, but also about a completely different way of entering text, the so-called "swiping", with which several third-party keyboards have come. This is a method where you just slide over individual letters from a given word and the keyboard automatically recognizes from this movement what word you wanted to write. This method is practically only applicable when writing with one hand, but at the same time it is very effective.

By a roundabout way, we get back to the fact that SwiftKey has a similar layout to the basic iOS keyboard. With SwiftKey, you can freely switch between the text input method - that is, between the traditional clicking of each letter or flicking your finger - at any time. If you hold the phone in one hand, you run your finger over the keyboard, but once you take it in both hands, you can finish the sentence in the classic way. Especially for classic typing, it became important to me that SwiftKey is the same as the basic keyboard.

For example, in Swype, which we are also subjected to the test, the layout of the keyboard is different, adapted especially for the needs of swiping, and typing on it with two fingers is not so comfortable. I especially appreciated the option of choosing without losing comfort with the iPhone 6 Plus, where I mainly write with both thumbs, but when I happened to need to react quickly with the phone in one hand, the Flow function, as the flick of the finger is called here, came in more than handy.

The fact that SwiftKey caters to both ways of writing definitely has its downsides. I will mention Swype again, where you can use gestures to quickly type any punctuation marks or delete whole words. SwiftKey doesn't have such gadgets, which is a bit of a shame, because they could certainly be implemented along the lines of Swype despite its multi-functionality. Next to the space bar, we can find a dot button, and if we hold it down, more characters will appear, but it is not as fast as when you have a dot and a comma next to the space bar and a number of gestures to write other characters. After a comma, SwiftKey also does not automatically make a space, i.e. the same practice as in the basic keyboard.

Polyglot's Paradise

I already mentioned that writing in Czech is a real joy with SwiftKey. You don't deal with the hooks and dashes that the keyboard inserts into words by itself, you usually only need to type the first few letters and the long word already shines at you from the top line. SwiftKey also copes surprisingly well with Czech ailments, such as writing unscripted endings and other trifles. I was afraid that because of SwiftKey I would have to write at every opportunity as if I were addressing the text to the Queen of England, but the opposite is true. Even minor Czech offenses are allowed by SwiftKey, especially after it gets to know you better.

An equally interesting fact is that SwiftKey controls multiple languages ​​at the same time, which partially answers the question of why there is no hook with a comma on the keyboard even when writing in Czech. You can write in SwiftKey in as many (supported) languages ​​as you want, and the keyboard will almost always understand you. At first I didn't pay much attention to this feature, but in the end it turned out to be a very pleasant and efficient thing. I've already raved about SwiftKey's predictive dictionary, but since it knows what language I want to write in, I often suspect it of reading minds.

I write in Czech and English and there is really no problem at all to start writing a sentence in Czech and finish it in English. At the same time, the writing style remains the same, only SwiftKey, based on the selected letters, estimates that such a word is English and others are Czech. Nowadays, practically none of us can do without English (as well as other languages) and the possibility to write comfortably in Czech and English at the same time is welcome.

I search for an English term on Google and reply to a text message next to Czech - all on the same keyboard, just as quickly, just as efficiently. I don't have to switch anywhere else. But here we come to probably the biggest problem that accompanies almost all third-party keyboards so far.

Apple is ruining the experience

Developers say Apple is to blame. But he's probably full of worries about his own bugs in iOS 8, so the fix still isn't coming. What are we talking about? What ruins the user experience with third-party keyboards is that they just fall off from time to time. For example, send a message from SwiftKey and suddenly the stock iOS keyboard appears. Other times, the keyboard doesn't appear at all and you have to restart the entire application to get it to work.

The problem is not only with SwiftKey, but with all alternative keyboards, which suffer mainly from the fact that Apple has only defined a minimum operating memory limit for them, and as soon as the given keyboard should have used it up, iOS decides to turn it off. Therefore, for example, after sending a message, the keyboard jumps back to the basic one. The second mentioned problem with the keyboard not being extended should be due to a problem in iOS 8. According to the developers, Apple should fix it soon, but it is not happening yet.

In any case, these fundamental problems, which most destroy the experience of using SwiftKey and other keyboards, are not on the side of the developers, who at the moment, like users, are just waiting for the reaction of Apple's engineers.

In connection with developers and SwiftKey in particular, one more question may arise - what about data collection? Some users do not like that they have to call the application full access in the system settings. However, this is absolutely necessary so that the keyboard can communicate with its own application, in which all its settings and customizations take place. If you don't grant SwiftKey full access, the keyboard can't use prediction and autocorrect.

At SwiftKey, they assure that they attach great importance to the privacy of their users and all data is secured by encryption. This is mainly related to the SwiftKey Cloud service, which you can sign up for completely voluntarily. A cloud account on the SwiftKey servers guarantees you a backup of your dictionary and its synchronization across all devices, be it iOS or Android.

For example, your passwords should not reach the SwiftKey servers at all, because if the field is defined correctly in iOS, the system keyboard is automatically turned on when entering the password. And then it's up to you whether you believe that Apple doesn't collect data. Of course, they also say they don't.

There is no way back

After the arrival of Czech in SwiftKey, I planned to test this alternative keyboard for a few weeks, and after a month it got under my skin so much that I practically can't go back. Typing on the stock iOS keyboard is almost too painful after tasting SwiftKey. All of a sudden, diacritics are not added automatically, swiping your finger over the buttons doesn't work when necessary, and the keyboard doesn't prompt you at all (at least not in Czech).

Unless SwiftKey crashes in iOS 8 due to inconvenience, I have no reason to switch back to the basic keyboard in the vast majority of cases. At most, when I want to write some text without diacritics, the iOS keyboard wins there, but there are not many such opportunities anymore. (Due to tariffs with unlimited SMS, you only need to write like this when abroad.)

Fast learning and above all incredibly accurate word prediction make SwiftKey one of the best alternative keyboards for iOS. It will certainly be considered the best by those who want to mix the classic experience (the same layout of keys and similar behavior) with modern approaches that will make your life easier when writing any text on iPhone and iPad.

The SwiftKey keyboard was tested on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the article does not include the iPad version.

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