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At the beginning of the year, Apple, in accordance with the new European directives, offered to users from the countries of the European Union, the possibility to request a refund within two weeks of purchasing content in iTunes and the App Store without giving a reason. But this system cannot be abused, developers need not worry.

The Californian company did everything quietly and did not comment on the update of its terms and conditions. Only in them it is newly stated that "if you decide to cancel your order, you can do so within 14 days of receiving the payment confirmation, even without giving a reason."

Speculations immediately arose as to how it will be ensured that users cannot abuse this system, i.e. download paid games and applications and return them after 14 days of use. And also some users have already tried it. Result? Apple will cut you off from the option to cancel the order.

Magazine iDownloadBlog writes about the experience of an unnamed user who bought several apps for about $40, used them for two weeks, and then asked Apple for a refund. He eventually got $25 from Cupertino before Apple engineers noticed and flagged the practice.

During other purchases, the user has already received a warning (in the attached image) that once he downloads the app, he will not be able to request a refund.

According to the new directive of the European Union, although Apple is not obliged to allow complaints about online purchases, if it does not do so, it must inform the user about it. However, the Californian company has chosen a more open approach and initially allows everyone to complain about content from iTunes or the App Store without giving a reason. As soon as the user starts abusing this option, it will be blocked (see notice by which Apple meets the requirements of the directive).

Source: iDownloadblog, The Verge