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Do you often share your photos or simply want to conveniently upload images to several web services at once from the pleasant environment of a single application? Then be sure to focus on the application Courier, which allows you to share files, photos and videos. Moreover, in a very elegant interface.

Another requirement is that you use at least one of the following services - Amazon S3, Ember, Facebook, Flickr, your own FTP, MobileMe, Vimeo or YouTube. Courier can upload your media to these services.

The functioning of the entire application is based on the envelope system, where you fill in the addressee, insert the content and send, just like in everyday life. Translated into "courier" language - you create a new envelope; drag the service you want to upload to from the menu in the form of a postage stamp; find a saved image or video in the system and drag it onto the created envelope. Then you can immediately send or edit the content.

You can change the name, description or add tags for the embedded files. Courier can also work with GPS coordinates, so if there are any in your photo, the application will automatically process them and display them on the map. Alternatively, you can certainly manually set the coordinates. By clicking on Deliver then upload everything to the specified server or service.

In the Mac App Store, you can find Courier for less than 8 euros, which is not at all cheap, but if you really use more services, the application from the well-known studio Realmac Software can make your work easier. After all, why open a new browser window for each service, when it's easier and faster...

Mac App Store - Courier (€7,99)