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Does it also happen that you take a really nice picture, but still think it's boring? Such photos often end up being deleted - but isn't that a shame? With the ColorSplash app for iPhone, that won't happen anymore.

It's all very simple. You choose a photo (or take a new one directly in the application) and voila? The photo turns gray. Don't worry, it doesn't end here, it begins. Drag your finger to mark places on the photo that will be colored. Of course, the image can be zoomed in a lot - so your work can be very precise.

As a result, you get a very interesting picture where only a part is colored - and that is really effective. If something goes wrong with your work with ColorSplash, you can save your work as a project and return to the saved image later to finish the job. Of course, you can save the finished image as a regular image or share it directly on Facebook, Flickr or Twitter. The size of the brush and the smoothness of its edges are adjustable.

And here is the result of my work while writing this article:

[xrr rating=4/5 label=”Antabelus rating:”]

Appstore link – (ColorSplash, $1.99)
