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Working in a busy place can be very rewarding for some, a nightmare for others. It seems logical that if you want to be creative, you need peace. However, researchers from the University of Illinois came up with a different claim a few years ago. You will learn how the Coffitivity application is related to this and what it offers on the following lines.


A surprising finding

Researchers from the University of Illinois found that a noisy environment is by far the most ideal for creative thinking. Of course, this does not mean a deafening din, but rather a bland set of sounds. For example, the kind that can be heard in a regular coffee shop. According to researchers, complete silence makes a person concentrate too much. If he encounters a problem, in this situation he tends to think about it too complexly and is unable to move on. On the contrary, in the bland noise of the cafe, we are constantly slightly distracted and our thoughts wander from time to time. Such an environment will allow us to look at a problem from multiple perspectives and, thanks to this, solve it more easily.

Successful business

Justin Kauszler and ACe Callwood, the creators of the Coffitivity website and app, probably didn't know about the research described above, but they found themselves working better in a local coffee shop than in a quiet office. And after the boss did not allow them, as employees of a company in Virginia, to move to the cafe during working hours, they decided to record the activity of the cafe and then play it on their headphones. Then there was only one step left to turn their idea into a successful business. They placed the recordings on the website and subsequently created a simple application for iOS i Mac.

Coffitivity app

The site offers three types of sounds for free - a quiet morning coffee shop, a busy cafeteria and the soft hum of a university environment. The sounds are bland and only minimally distracting compared to listening to music. On the recordings you can hear a typical noise, the clinking of plates or cups, sometimes you can hear fragments of a conversation. If someone likes the site, they can purchase another trio of sounds for $9 a year.

You can test whether coffee shop noise allows you to think more creatively and work more efficiently at The site gained popularity not long after its establishment and enjoys millions of daily users around the world - especially in big cities. At the top is New York City in the USA, Seoul in South Korea or Tokyo in Japan. However, despite research by scientists from the University of Illinois, some people may find disturbing tones at work more of a nuisance.

Whether coffee shop noise makes you more productive or distracts you at work, this app is an example of a simple idea that can be turned into a thriving business. And this idea did not originate anywhere else than in a coffee shop.
