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Social network Clubhouse has quickly become one of the most unpopular platforms on the planet. It started out as just a specialized app for insiders in Silicon Valley. But it quickly transformed into a mainstream platform. It currently has 10 million users and a value of more than a billion dollars - all this in just one year of its existence.

Marketing blog Blacklink shared a wealth of information and key statistics about the social network Clubhouse. It clearly demonstrates the success of the platform that came after the beginning of this year. Currently it should have Clubhouse to the 10 million users who join the app every week. Compared to this figure, there were only 1 users in May last year, 500 in December, and 600 million in January 2021. He experienced the greatest increase in them Clubhouse in February 2021. He officially was Clubhouse launched exactly one year ago, i.e. in April 2020.


An unequivocal success 

In addition to user growth, other metrics are present to show how popular Clubhouse is – jthis is, of course, an application download. It is currently the 16th most popular app in the Social Networks category in App Store behind Facebook, Messenger, Discord, WhatsApp and other more established social networks (in the domestic App Store it is the 11th place with a rating of 4,8 stars for the application, it has the same rating worldwide).

The application is currently available in 154 countries of the world, while App Store is present in 175 countries. What is important is that the application is gaining traction outside the US market as well. In fact, it is currently the most installed app in Germany, Japan, Great Britain and Turkey. In China, the popularity of the application was even so huge that invitations to join the network were sold here for $29 (approx. CZK 650), before it was App Store removed by the regime (the current situation in this market is currently unknown). As new users are constantly added to this social network, well-known personalities are also joining, among other things. For example Jared Leto here he has 4,3 million followers, Elon Musk 2,1 million and the American actress and comedian Tiffany, for example, is certainly doing more than well Haddish, which has 4,7 million followers here. The leader is the founder of the network, Rohan Seth, and that with 5,5 million followers. It could be said that every other user follows it.

Worth over a billion dollars 

In May 2020, when the network had only said 1 active users, its price was already 500 million dollars. In January of this year, it was more than 100 billion dollars. However, the main boom in the number of users only came during February, so it could be assumed that the price will now be significantly higher. After all, Twitter wanted to buy the network for $1 billion, which may not seem like an unrealistic amount now. When a version of the application is also available for the Android platform (autumn 4), we can expect another extreme increase in users. After all, this is even after invitations to join the network are no longer needed on iOS. The interesting thing is that Clubhouse now lives only on preliminary revenues. This means that the platform is currently not monetized in any way. Currently, it is only introducing a payment function aimed at the creator, but the network does not take any commission from it yet. 

You can download Clubhouse here
