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CloudApp started as a simple service for quickly sharing documents of all kinds, but developers are constantly working to improve it. Over time, CloudApp has become a visual communication platform through which GIFs or screencasts are shared, and the new Annotate tool is supposed to improve the whole experience even more.

Annonate comes as part of the Mac app, and as the name suggests, it's all about annotating the images you've taken. CloudApp was already a very capable tool that was often used in companies, for example to explain more complex concepts and operations, where you could easily record what was happening on the screen and send it to a colleague.

CloudApp now wants to take visual communication to the next level with the Annotate tool, which makes it extremely easy to draw and insert graphic elements into captured screenshots - simply annotate. Just press CMD + Shift + A, take a screenshot, and Annotate will automatically launch.


The captured image will open in a new window and at the top you have a toolbar for annotation: arrow, line, pen, oval, rectangle, text, crop, pixelation, oval or rectangle highlight and insert emoji. You can then only choose the color and size for each tool. Everything works very quickly and efficiently. Once done, tap on Save and the picture are equal to you uploads to the cloud.

CloudApp explains that Annonate will be especially useful for designers, engineers or product managers who are constantly sending different designs to each other in the team and can easily visualize their ideas and thoughts thanks to simple tools. "The future of work is visual. According to 3M, 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed in the brain 60000 times faster than text, but everyone is still typing," CloudApp CEO Tyler Koblasa said about the news.

According to CloudApp, annotation in the native Mac app is 300 percent faster than in similar web tools. In addition, it supports the increasingly popular emoji and is easily - as part of CloudApp - integrated into the workflow of various companies that have already used the service (Airbnb, Spotify, Uber, Zendesk, Foursquare and many others).

And if Annotate sounds familiar to you, you're right. CloudApp acquired the service as part of the acquisition, when Annotate was originally created as a application. You can download CloudApp from either the Mac App Store or on the website. In basic variant you can use this cloud service, including Annonate, completely free of charge.

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