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Don't like the look of the iPhone 4, or just want to stand out from the crowd with your phone? If so, we have an excellent tip for you. Change the back of your iPhone from glass to metal.

The server came with a type for an alternative back cover And the metal back isn't just for those who don't want to have an apple phone like everyone else. The latest studies have shown that glass is much more prone to cracking than the materials used on previous iPhone models, so anyone who is worried about their device can also consider replacing the back part.

Everything is more than simple. Disassembling the device takes a minimum of time, you just need a suitable screwdriver to remove two screws and you're done. Doesn't it look good? If you are interested in where to buy such a cover, look for example at, where it is available for a decent price ($12,99 without shipping).

Notice! Before removing the screws and removing the back cover, make sure you have muted sounds (with the button on the side) and turned off the phone.

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