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Byline is an absolutely brilliant application – an RSS reader synchronized with Google Reader. The combination of simplicity and clarity resulted in an incredibly productive application.

After launch, the application prompts you to take an essential step - you enter your access data to your Google account (i.e. your gmail address and password) and you have all the news from Google Reader at your fingertips tapping to the screen. The precise design put the cherry on top of it all. Everything is clear, organized and nice, there is no extra button anywhere.

On the first screen you have the categories as they are set up on your Google Reader. In addition to categories, you also have items marked with a star and notes, which you create with the paper and pencil icon in the lower right. Refresh with the arrow in the lower left, as otherwise, you start synchronization with Google Reader, but synchronization can take place - depending on the settings - immediately after starting the application.

I consider it a huge advantage caching of downloaded items - unread articles are stored in your cache, so you can always read the Byline content that has remained since the last synchronization, even if you are not currently on the Internet, which is useful, for example, for public transport. Content to be had to cache you can set in the default iPhone configuration app, as well as other basic preferences for Byline.

And when I say sync with Google Reader, I mean real sync. Read items in Byline are automatically marked as read in Google Reader as well, immediately upon the next synchronization. Synchronization of starred articles and notes is a matter of course. For complete comfort – when you exit the application, you have Byline next to the icon badge (red circle, signals e.g. the number of missed calls on the phone) with the number of unread items - this property is also configurable. You can, if possible, view the viewed article in webviews in Byline, or directly in full view in Safari.

In my opinion, the application has no faults and there is nothing I can criticize about it.

Experiences of the Appleman
I have been using Byline for a long time and I must say that if you use Google Reader as your default reader, there is currently no better RSS reader in the Appstore that would synchronize with Google Reader. In addition, the author is constantly improving the application, adding functions and increasing its speed. Investing in Byline is definitely worth it. Currently, its position could be threatened only by the iPhone application NetNewsWire, which will soon appear in version 2.0 and will bring many new features, such as synchronization with Google Reader.

Appstore link – (Byline, $4.99)

[xrr rating=5/5 label=”Antabelus rating:”]
