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It has been known for some time that Angela Ahrendts will join Apple as Senior Vice President of Retail and Online Sales. This lady is currently working as the CEO of the British fashion house Burberry, where she has achieved many successes. According to a British magazine Business Weekly this company is famous for its iconic trench coats in the first hundred most valuable companies in the world. Angela Ahrendts is well-respected in the UK and yesterday she was made an honorary Dame of the British Empire for her work at Burberry. A British newspaper reported about it Daily Mail. This is a really impressive point for working in the fashion industry, and Angela Ahrendts can therefore boldly plunge into the world of technology.

Because Ahrendts is American, she did not receive the honorary degree directly from Queen Elizabeth II. at Buckingham Palace and will not be able to use the title "Dame" before her name. However, she will be able to add the prestigious initials DBE (Dame of the British Empire) to her name. The ceremony took place in the background of the Westminster office focusing on business, innovation and human skills (Department for Business, Innovation & Skills).

Ahrendts will not be the only Apple executive to receive an honorary degree from the British government. Apple's court designer Jony Ive received a knighthood in 2011, and Steve Jobs was also proposed for knighthood. However, his nomination was then swept off the table for political reasons by Gordon Brown, then Prime Minister.

 Source: MacRumors