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If you often work with various images, documents and the like, you must have more than once had to search for some files tediously in your folders, if you did not know the name by heart and could not use Spotlight. Such a Finder can, for example, display files that have been worked with in a certain period, but there must be a better way. And that's why Blast Utility is here.

This little app keeps track of exactly what files have been worked on recently, whether they've been created, viewed, or edited, keeping you a clear list accessible from the top menu. Blast Utility itself is just a menulet sitting in the toolbar, so it's easily accessible from anywhere instead of needing a separate application window.

After clicking on the menulet, you will see a simple list of recently used files, which can then be further filtered according to the type of documents. You can thus select only documents, images, videos, audio or even folders. The individual files in the lists then behave similarly to the Finder. You can move them with a stroke, for example to the desktop or to a detailed email, double-click to open them, and after invoking the context menu with a right-click, we have other options such as opening in the Finder, renaming, saving the path to the file or throwing it in the trash.

A Finder-like sidebar is also a useful thing. Here you can move individual folders or files that you know you will work with more often and you don't have to search for them in the list. In the case of folders, you can drag individual files from the list into them, just like in the Finder.

If you want certain file types, files or folders not to be displayed in Blast Utility, you can either exclude them individually from the list or create a rule for them, where in the window Excluded Files, which you call up by clicking the settings button and selecting from the context menu, you simply choose individual file types or paths (in the case of folders) that should not be displayed in Blast Utility.

Blast Utility is a very useful helper for me, thanks to which I don't have to remember where a file is located or what it is called, and at the same time I can easily find it. You can buy the application in the Mac App Store for a not too dizzying €7,99.

Blast Utility - €7,99 (Mac App Store)