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We live in a modern age where we have a number of smart products at our fingertips designed to make our daily lives easier. Just a few decades ago, people would not have even dreamed that they could have a tiny box at their disposal that could replace a phone, a notebook, an alarm clock, a calculator, spreadsheets and many other things. Today's times have also brought with it greater demands, which is linked to the productivity of the employees themselves.

Be Focused mockup 2
Source: SmartMockups

When we open the App Store and go to the Productivity category, we find a number of different applications that should help us with the mentioned category or make our work easier. The application is quite popular Be Focused. This is available for all apple products and is free in the standard version. However, there is also a paid version that offers some extra features.

How does Be Focused work?

In some cases, it's really hard to stay focused on the task at hand. In addition, the mentioned modern times brought with it the possibility of working from home, or the so-called home office, in which any little thing can distract us in a second. On the given topic, we would find several pieces of advice on the Internet that can help us with concentration quite decently, but the Be Focused application does it a little differently.

Be Focused – Focus Timer on Mac (App Store):

With its help, you can break the work into smaller "parts" and devote yourself to it in shorter intervals. In this way, you will devote yourself to the given tasks for, say, thirty minutes, which are always followed by a short break. During the actual work, the top menu bar also displays the countdown itself, which informs you of how you are actually doing and when the next break will come. From my own experience, I have to admit that this very trick often managed to keep me focused on the given project, because I suddenly didn't want to waste time unnecessarily.

The perfect solution to boost productivity or just a simple placebo?

The Be Focused app is generally very popular. This is also proven by the user reviews themselves, which are mainly positive. Be Focused - Focus Timer has 124 reviews on the Mac App Store and an overall rating of 4,9 stars. The Pro version, intended for iOS or iPadOS, was even evaluated 1,7 thousand times and earned 4,6 stars.

The answer to the question of whether this is a perfect way to support the user's productivity or just a placebo effect is much more complicated, and it depends primarily on the user himself. If you really get excited about the app and start using it regularly, you'll probably get used to it quickly and realize that it has moved you forward in some way. In this direction, however, some persistence and trust are necessary.

Be Focused - Focus Timer mockup
Source: SmartMockups

Personally, I would rate the Be Focused application very positively and I have already given it the maximum number of stars on the App Store. This is a minimalistic and simple solution that will help you better perceive time. Thanks to a better perception of time, you will quickly stop wasting it and you will be able to concentrate on your work much more. Rather than a placebo, I would describe the app as something that can help you manage your time properly, which will overall shift the mentioned productivity.


The Be Focused – Focus Timer application can undoubtedly be described as an exceptional tool, without which many users cannot imagine continuing to function after trying it. With the help of this program, you can practically boost your productivity in an instant and manage your daily tasks better. I personally side with the supporters of this app. On the other hand, I would definitely not recommend Be Focused to people who engage in repetitive activities on a daily basis. It seems to me that in such a case the desired effect will not occur and procrastination can easily get the better of you afterwards.

Be Focused – Focus Timer on iPhone (App Store):

When working on larger projects, when I had to focus on the aforementioned sub-tasks, the application was the perfect solution. When combined with kanban, for which I used the application Kanbanier, I literally had a first-class overview of any activity and it no longer happens to me that I might forget something.
