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Apple released last night the new iOS 11 operating system, which brings a lot of news. One of the most fundamental is the presence of ARKit and thus also the applications that support it. In recent weeks, we have written several times about applications that use augmented reality. However, it was always beta versions or developer prototypes. However, with the launch of iOS 11, the first apps available to everyone started appearing in the App Store. So if you have a new version of iOS, check out the App Store and start exploring for yourself!

If you don't want to look, we'll do it for you and show you some interesting apps that use ARKit here. The first comes from developer studio BuildOnAR and is called Fitness AR. It is an application through which it is possible to visualize your nature trips, bike rides, trips to the mountains, etc. The application currently only works with the fitness tracker from the Strava development team, but in the future it should also support other platforms. Thanks to ARKit, it can create a three-dimensional map of the terrain on the phone's display, which you can view in detail. The application costs 89 crowns.

Another interesting application is PLNAR. In this case, it is a practical helper thanks to which you will be able to measure various interior spaces. Whether it is the size of the walls, the area of ​​the floors, the dimensions of the windows and so on. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so watch the video below, where everything is clearly explained. The application is available for free.

Another app that is likely to become a fixture on the top charts is IKEA Place. The long-awaited application is currently only available in the US App Store, but it's only a matter of time before it arrives here. Developers have to import the entire catalog with localized labels, and Czech probably wasn't very high on the priority list. IKEA Place allows you to browse the company's entire catalog and virtually place selected furniture in your home. You should have a fairly clear idea of ​​whether the planned piece of furniture will fit into your home. The application should also integrate the possibility of purchasing as such. In the Czech Republic, unfortunately, we only have to make do with video for now.

A new tab of applications has appeared in the App Store, which is named "Get Started with AR". In it you will find a lot of interesting applications using ARKit that are worth trying. You can't rely on ratings yet, as there are almost none. However, it is only a matter of a few weeks before the applications that will really be worth it crystallize.

Source: Appleinsider, 9to5mac
