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When Tim Cook last week decreased expected earnings of Apple for the first financial quarter of this year, it became clear that the latest iPhones are not doing very well in sales. However, it seems that even computers from the workshop of the Californian giant did not meet with success in the last three months, and their sales decreased year-on-year. This time, however, it is not so much the fault of Apple and its portfolio as the overall decline of the computer market.

Apple sold roughly 4,9 million Macs in the period, compared to $5,1 million in the same period a year earlier. Apple continues to hold its position on the fourth place in the world ranking of computer sellers. Dell, HP and Lenovo placed ahead of him, followed by Asus and Acer.

Lenovo took first place with 16,6 million computers sold and a 24,2% market share. The second place was taken by HP with 15,4 million devices sold and a 22,4% market share, the bronze position was taken by Dell with 11 million units sold and a 15,9% market share. Asus took a 6,1% market share with 4,2 million computers sold, Acer then a 5,6% share with 3,9 million units sold.

It should be noted, however, that Apple is not the only manufacturer affected by the decline in computer sales. This is a worldwide trend. While in the fourth quarter the total number of PCs sold was $71,7 million, this time it was "just" $68,6 million, representing a 4,3% decrease. Apple also saw a smaller drop in the number of Macs sold in the United States, from 1,8 million to 1,76 million. As far as market share is concerned, this is a decrease from 12,4% to 12,1%. In the field of computer sales in the United States, HP was the best, selling 4,7 million of its computers.

According to the company, the worldwide decline in computer sales may have Gartner lack of CPU share as well as the uncertain political or economic situation in a number of countries including the United States. Demand fell mainly from medium-sized enterprises. Consumers were not so interested in computers during the Christmas holidays.

Although the figures provided by Gartner are only approximate, they are usually not too different from the actual numbers. However, Apple will no longer publish the exact data.

MacBook Air unsplash