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Apple Watch can do many things. However, Apple's long-term goal is primarily for its smart watches to benefit human health. Evidence of this effort is the latest Apple Watch Series 4 with the ability to record an ECG or a fall detection function. Another interesting news related to the Apple Watch appeared this week. Apple in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson triggers a study that aims to determine the potential of watches for early detection of stroke symptoms.

Cooperation with other companies is not unusual for Apple - in November of last year, the company entered into a partnership with Stanford University. The university is working with Apple on the Apple Heart Study, a program that collects data on irregular heart rhythms captured by the watch's sensor.

The goal of the study, which Apple intends to embark on, is to find out the possibilities of diagnosing atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common causes of stroke and accounts for about 130 deaths in the United States. The Apple Watch Series 4 has several tools for detecting fibrillation and also has the option of alerting you to an irregular heartbeat. Jeff Williams, Apple's chief operating officer, said that the company receives a large number of letters of thanks from users who managed to detect fibrillation in time.

Work on the study will begin this year, more details will follow.

A stroke is a life-threatening condition, the initial symptoms of which may include dizziness, visual disturbances or even a headache. A stroke can be indicated by weakness or numbness in a part of the body, impaired speech or the inability to understand the speech of another. Amateur diagnosis can be performed by asking the affected person to smile or show their teeth (a drooping corner) or raise their arms (one of the limbs cannot stay in the air). Articulation difficulties are also noticeable. In case of suspicion of a stroke, it is necessary to call the emergency medical service as soon as possible, in the prevention of life-long or fatal consequences, the first moments are decisive.

Apple Watch ECG