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Jony Ive publicly announced his intention to leave Apple in June. Obviously, however, the company knew about his decision months in advance, because it strengthened the recruitment of new designers already at the beginning of the year.

At the same time, the company switched to a new recruitment strategy. He prefers more artistic and production positions to managerial ones.

From the beginning of the year, between 30-40 job offers were opened in the design department. Then in April, the number of people wanted climbed to 71. The company more or less doubled down on efforts to strengthen its design department. The management probably already knew about the intentions of the head of design in advance and did not intend to leave anything to chance.

However, Apple is not only recruiting creative people from the field of design. Overall, it increased demand on the labor market. For the second quarter, the number of vacancies increased by 22%.

Apple works design

Less ties, more creative people

The company is developing in new areas and needs reinforcements in other sectors. Experts focused on machine learning, artificial intelligence or augmented and virtual reality are most in demand.

Among other things, there is a hunger for standard "production" professions such as programmers and/or hardware specialists. Meanwhile, there was an overall dampening of demand for managerial positions.

The company also tries to offer mobility within the company. Employees have the opportunity to move between departments, and managers also tend to be transferred from individual sectors to others. With increasing information about new devices in the field of artificial intelligence (autonomous vehicles) and especially augmented reality (glasses), the workforce is continuously being moved in this direction.

Source: cultofmac
