In the past, similar programs (in connection with Apple) only applied to a closed group of experts or registered "hackers" who had signed a cooperation agreement with Apple. From now on, however, everyone can get involved in finding security holes.

However, the payment of rewards will be tied to one thing only, and that is when the hacker/hackers demonstrate to them how they gained remote access to the targeted device, namely the iOS kernel, without the need for any tampering with the compromised device. If you come up with something like this, Apple will pay you a million dollars.

ios security

Similar programs are offered by most technology companies, which in this way (relatively inexpensively) motivate people to search for and subsequently improve operating systems. However, the question remains whether the million dollars offered by Apple is sufficient. Hackers/hacker groups who are actually able to find something like this in iOS will probably make a lot more money if they offer information about the exploit to, for example, government departments or even some criminal groups. However, that is already a question of morality.