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Apple is increasingly focusing on improving and expanding its services in the field of human health. It started with simple step counting, activity recording, through more advanced heart rate measurement and now to certified EKG measurement available in the US. The entire Health platform is constantly expanding, and the number of experts working in this field at Apple is related to this.

CNCB news server recently informed, that Apple currently employs around fifty doctors and specialists who help the company with the development and implementation of new health systems on the HealthKit platform. According to searchable information, more than 20 practitioners should work at Apple, among others are specifically oriented professional staff. However, the reality may be different, as the majority of employed doctors purposefully do not mention their connection with Apple anywhere.

According to foreign sources, Apple greatly diversifies the specializations of employed experts. From the aforementioned practitioners, through cardiologists, pediatricians, anesthesiologists (!) and orthopedists. All are in charge of projects related to their specialism, with information about some of them now leaking to the surface. For example, the head orthopedist focuses on cooperation with manufacturers of rehabilitation tools, where Apple tries to find a way to make the recovery process more efficient when using selected Apple devices.

In addition, work continues to improve the platform for users' personal records, as well as to expand the functionality of current tools, especially with regard to the Apple Watch. Apple embarked on this path a few years ago and every year we can see their efforts in this industry getting stronger. The future can be more than interesting. The irony in the whole health endeavor, however, is that the vast majority of systems working with HealthKit work exclusively in the US market.


