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Switzerland is a country of watches, but it will probably have to wait a long time for the most awaited ones, at least in the technological world. Apple can't start selling its Watch in Switzerland because of trademark.

The Apple Watch will go on sale for the first time on April 24, with pre-orders starting this Friday. Switzerland wasn't in the first wave of countries, but it looks like it won't be in any of the others either. At least for now.

The company Leonard Timepieces claims a trademark in the form of an apple and the words "APPLE". The trademark first appeared in 1985 and its 30-year life will expire on December 5, 2015.

The owner of the trademark, who apparently never released a watch with such a logo in the end, is said to be in negotiations with Apple now. The Californian company will want to buy the stamp, because otherwise its Watch will not be allowed in Switzerland.

At least for the time being, the Swiss will have to use the offers of Apple Stores in Germany or France.

Source: Cult Of Mac