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Based on the original indications, the upcoming Apple Watch Series 5 should only be a mini-rotational update of last year's model, which will convince only a select group of customers to upgrade. However except new titanium body, a more powerful processor and an improved display, according to new information, the Apple Watch 5 will also offer a function for monitoring sleep, which users have been calling for for many years.

As the well-known editor Guilherme Rambo reports from a foreign server 9to5mac, who got the information from his sources at Apple, the upcoming Apple Watch will be able to measure sleep without the help of any other accessory. With the help of available sensors, the watch will record the heart rate, body movements and also sounds and, based on the collected data, will subsequently determine the quality of sleep its owner had.

Overall sleep analysis will be available within the new Sleep app on watchOS, as well as the Health app on iPhone. The feature itself will be called "Time in Bed," and Apple is currently code-named "Burrito."

Apple Watch sleep track

With sleep analysis, better battery management and other news

The function for measuring sleep could be available on the Apple Watch a long time ago, after all, with the help of various applications, even older models are able to offer it. However, the stumbling block is the battery and above all the fact that the vast majority of users charge their Apple Watch overnight. Apple has therefore decided to come up with a new function that alerts users in time to charge the watch before going to bed.

Along with the above, the new Apple Watch will also offer several other gadgets. For example, if the user gets up before the alarm is supposed to ring on the Apple Watch, the alarm will be automatically deactivated. The alarm will also only play on the Apple Watch, and the iPhone's ringer will only serve as a backup. When the new function is activated and after going to bed, the Do Not Disturb mode is automatically activated so that the user is not disturbed by various notifications during the night. Hopefully it will also disable the automatic display lighting when you raise your wrist.

According to 9to5mac, the question remains whether the ability to analyze sleep will be an exclusive functionality for the Apple Watch Series 5. The function does not require any special sensors, which only the upcoming generation would have to have and therefore even older models could offer it. But as is customary with Apple, it will make the ability to measure sleep exclusive only to owners of the new Series 5.
