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The Apple Watch isn't selling badly at all. But the same can be said about smart watches from the workshops of Apple's competitors. The latest data published by the company speaks in detail about the current position of the Apple Watch in the market Canalys.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the current market for smart watches, various fitness bracelets and other similar wearable electronics is bursting at the seams, figuratively speaking. The giant from Cupertino has to face fierce competition with its Apple Watch, such as manufacturers Fitbit or Garmin. They have an increasingly growing fan base, set their own trends and with their products can satisfy customers with relatively specific needs. Although sales of the Apple Watch are growing as such – more units of the Apple Watch were sold this quarter than in the same period last year – Apple is losing its share in this segment.

Apple Watch Sales Canalys Cultofmac

Data compiled by Canalys clearly shows that Apple Watch sales in Q2 2018 increased by 30% compared to last year. The Californian company managed to sell an estimated 3,5 million watches, which in itself is a very respectable result. But Apple's share of the market fell noticeably, from 43% to 34%. Among other things, higher sales can be seen in Apple's decision to cooperate on a wider scale with operators outside the United States. In Asia, 250 Apple Watch units were sold in the last quarter, of which 60% were the LTE version.

But Apple's competition is also growing, and customers have a wider choice of smartwatches every year. Manufacturers are enriching their products with more sophisticated tools for measuring vital functions and other novelties, thus competing with Apple more and more skillfully. Let's be surprised if Apple can attract the customers of competitors with the new Apple Watch series, which should see the light of day already in the fall.
