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Information from the ongoing closed beta test Watch 6 they are gradually penetrating the Internet, and users can thus slowly find out what more fundamental news will await them in September, when the official launch takes place. Among the smaller, but no less pleasant, will be improved management of previous exercises.

Today, when you want to view a workout recording on your Apple Watch, you have practically only one option. As soon as you finish the activity, a summary of time, calories burned, pace and other information related to the past exercise will appear on the display. After confirming this summary, you will no longer be able to access it in the watch, it is only accessible through the Activities application on the iPhone. This can be a problem especially when you need to look at the details of some previous exercises and you don't have an iPhone with you. For example, when running.

watchos 6 activity record

In watchOS 6, this part of the user interface will be redesigned. Where today it is possible to display a simple list of past activities on the Apple Watch, it will now be possible to click on each record and display detailed information about the exercise. All this without having to carry the mother's iPhone.

For example, if you go for a run and leave your iPhone at home, after finishing, you will be able to retroactively compare your current run with the previous ones, including all monitored parameters. The Apple Watch will finally get a function that is normally available in other smart watches and sports testers.

watchos 6 activity record

News from watchOS appears much slower compared to other operating systems, because unlike iOS, macOS, iPadOS or tvOS, the watchOS test takes place in a much more closed form. This is mainly due to the fact that it is not possible to perform a software rollback on Apple's smartwatches, so Apple is in a way safe from a possible problem with non-functioning Apple Watch due to faulty beta files (as happened loni).

Source: 9to5mac
