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Not so long ago, a survey by Counterpoint Research showed that the share of the Apple Watch in the wearable electronics market decreased slightly compared to the second quarter of last year. On the contrary, the share of wearable electronics of the Fitbit brand increased. However, the Apple Watch still dominates the respective market.

It was published today new data regarding the state of the wearables market, i.e. fitness bracelets and smart watches. The markets consisting of North America, Japan and Western Europe saw a decrease of 6,3% last year. This is because the bulk of this market segment was made up of basic wristbands, sales of which have since declined, and the increase in smartwatch sales over the period has not yet been significant enough to offset said decline.

See how the Apple Watch Series 4 should look like:

Jitesh Ubrani, an analyst at IDC Mobile Device, admits that the decline in the mentioned markets is worrying. At the same time, however, he adds that these markets are currently largely transitioning slowly to more sophisticated wearable electronics – essentially a gradual transition from basic wristbands to smart watches. Ubrani explains that while classic fitness bracelets and trackers simply provided the user with information such as the number of steps, distance, or calories burned, the current and future generations will offer much more.

According to IDC Mobile Device Trackers, basic wristbands still have a place in the market, especially in areas such as Africa or Latin America. But consumers in more developed areas expect more. Users have begun to demand more advanced functions from their wearable electronics, and this demand is ideally met by smartwatches.
