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Lately, I keep hearing the same sentence: "Apple is no longer innovative." People think that every year the Californian company must necessarily come up with something revolutionary, extraordinary, that simply changes our lives, like the iPod or the iPhone. In my opinion, Apple is still one of the innovative companies, but the range of its interests has expanded and it is often about the details, which, however, it improves every year.

For example, I consider 3D Touch to be groundbreaking, at least from my own experience, haptic feedback on the iPhone or Touch Bar on MacBook Pro. In recent years, however, Apple Watch and wireless AirPods have influenced my daily life the most. Both devices work excellently on their own, but only together do they completely change my original user habits and habits.

Before, it was absolutely unthinkable for me to walk around the house or office without an iPhone. Being a journalist means that I always have to have my phone with me in case something happens, especially if you are on duty that day. In short, you always have your phone close to your ear because you are dealing with everything possible.

So I always had my iPhone with me not only at work, but also at home or out in the garden. A substantial part of these daily routines has been changed by the Watch. I was suddenly able to make a quick phone call through them, easily dictate a reply to a message or an email… Before Christmas in addition to this setup AirPods also entered and the whole workflow has changed again. And it transformed "magically".


Currently, my typical day looks like this. Every morning I leave the house with my Watch on and AirPods in my ears. I usually listen to music on Apple Music or podcasts on Overcast on my way to work. In the event that someone calls me, I no longer need to have an iPhone in my hand, but the Watch and AirPods are enough for me. On the one hand, I check who is calling me on the watch, and when I subsequently receive the call, I immediately redirect it to the headphones.

When I arrive at the newsroom, I put the iPhone on the table and the headphones continue to remain in my ears. I can move around freely during the day without any problems and make all calls through the headphones. With AirPods, I also often call up Siri and ask her to do simple tasks, like call my wife or set a reminder.

Thanks to Watch, I then have a constant overview of what is happening inside the phone, which I don't even have to have physically available. If it's an urgent matter, I can write off and move on. However, with such a workflow, it is important to remember that I have the Watch set up well, because they can very easily become a distracting and unwanted element.

She dealt with this question in her article on Techpinion also Carolina Milanesiová, according to which many people expected the Apple Watch to be a breakthrough product, but in practice it turned out that Apple more or less improved the existing wearable electronics, rather than coming up with something revolutionary.

However, the situation before the Watch was often contradictory. There were watches that could receive notifications from the phone, you could read the news on them or see what the weather would be like, but they were usually not products that packed it all into a compact package and offered, for example, phone calls and other simple communication. In the Watch, Apple managed to combine all this into a very user-friendly form that can positively influence our productivity.

[su_pullquote align=”right”]If you connect the Watch and AirPods together, you will get an absolutely "magical" experience.[/su_pullquote]

As Milanesiová aptly describes, people often still don't know what the Watch is actually good for. Even for users who have been wearing Apple watches for longer, it is not easy to describe exactly how they actually use the Watch and what benefits it brings them, but in the end it is important for them to find the right way to use the product effectively.

Not so long ago, my dad got the Watch. To this day, he comes to me and asks me about basic information and possibilities of use. At the same time, I always advise him to first of all set aside time and set the behavior of the watch according to his priorities, which especially applies to which applications and notifications will appear on his wrist. It is difficult to give any universal advice, because in the end the Watch is a truly personal product that can help two people on a completely different principle.

Nevertheless, a few simple points can be pointed out that will be useful to most users when living with the Apple Watch:

  • Limit notifications to only the most important apps. There's no point in getting notifications that your Real Racing vehicle is ready to race again.
  • I have the sound permanently off on the Watch, only vibrations are on.
  • When I'm writing/doing something, I use Do Not Disturb mode - only people in my favorites call me.
  • When I want to be completely out of range, I use airplane mode. The watch only shows the time, nothing gets into it.
  • Do not install apps on your Watch that you will never use. In many cases, I can get by with the system ones.
  • Think about when you charge your watch. The Watch does not have to be connected to the socket all night, sometimes it is enough to put it in the socket in the morning after waking up before going to work, or vice versa when arriving at the office.
  • You can even sleep with the Watch - try the apps autosleep or Pillow.
  • Use dictation, it already works more than well even in the Czech language.
  • I also use the Watch while driving for navigation using Apple Maps or handling calls (directly via the Watch or AirPods).
  • Upload music to your watch. You can then listen to it via AirPods without having to have an iPhone with you (ideal combination for sports).
  • Keep the most used apps on the Watch in the Dock. They start up faster and are always ready.

Petr Mára also recommended similar tips and tricks in the case of the iPhone and concentration. In the video he shows, how smartly he uses the Notification Center, how he sets his notifications or when he turns on Do Not Disturb mode. For example, it is crucial for him to concentrate, when he does not want to be disturbed, that no device makes any sounds to him, it vibrates to the maximum, and for example he only receives call, message or calendar notifications on the Watch. Other notifications are piled up on his iPhone, where he processes them en masse.

But I will go back to AirPods and Watch, because if you combine these two relatively inconspicuous products (if we compare it, for example, with the impact of iPhones) together, you will get an absolutely "magical" experience that results from a perfect connection not only between each other, but within the entire ecosystem .

In the field of wearable products, this may be just the beginning from Apple, there is constant talk about augmented or virtual reality, which immediately makes me think of what other possibilities it could bring... But even now, the Watch in combination with AirPods can completely transform you and above all to make life more efficient. You can use both devices separately, but only together they bring the magic.
