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Just a few moments ago, we informed you that Apple released a new version of the iOS and iPadOS operating systems with the designation 14.4.1. Unfortunately, we did not receive any new functions, but rather important security patches, and therefore we should definitely not delay the installation. At the same time, we saw the release of the new watchOS 7.3.2 and macOS Big Sur 11.2.3. So let's take a look at the news that these versions bring with them.

Changes in watchOS 7.3.2

The new version of watchOS, just like the mentioned iOS/iPadOS 14.4.1, brings with it an update of important security elements, and you should not delay its installation either. You can update through the app Watch on your iPhone, where you just go to the category In general and select an option Software update. Below you can read the description of the update directly from Apple.

  • This update contains important new security features and is recommended for all users. For information about the security inherent in Apple software, visit

Changes in macOS Big Sur 11.2.3

Practically the same is the case with macOS Big Sur 11.2.3, the new version of which provides users with security updates. Again, it is recommended not to delay the update and install it as soon as possible. In that case, just open it on your Mac System Preferences and tap on Software update. You can read Apple's description below:

  • macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 update brings important security updates. It is recommended for all users. For information about security features included in Apple software updates, see the following website