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As planned, Apple released the first public betas of its iOS and macOS operating systems, which it presented at a developer conference in June. They still had a chance iOS 10 a MacOS Sierra only registered developers can test, now everyone who signs up for the test program can try the news.

Anyone interested in testing hot new operating systems for iPhones, iPads and Macs must sign up on the Apple Beta Software Program website, which is free, unlike developer licenses.

As soon as you sign up for the beta program, a new system update with the latest public beta version of iOS 10 will automatically pop up on your iPhone or iPad. In OS X, you will get a code to the Mac App Store, where you can download the installer of the new macOS Sierra.

However, we strongly recommend that you do not install beta versions on your primary tools, be it iPhone, iPad or Mac. These are still the first test versions of both operating systems and everything may not work as it should. At a minimum, we recommend that you always make a backup of the device in question and use a backup iPhone or iPad to install iOS 10, and install macOS Sierra on a Mac other than the main drive.
