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AirPods Pro have been on sale for over two weeks now, and during that time we've heard basically nothing but positive reactions to them. Surprisingly, there was also no problem that their owners complained about. Despite this, Apple released a new firmware version for AirPods Pro early yesterday evening, which probably fixes some of the shortcomings.

The new firmware is labeled 2B588 and thus replaces the original version 2B584, which AirPods Pro have installed out of the box. However, Apple does not say what news the firmware update brings. Most likely, however, it will be an improvement of the pairing processor, or a correction of a sporadically occurring problem with the headphones themselves. In the past, new firmware versions for classic AirPods even slightly improved the sound reproduction of the headphones in some cases.

airpods pro

The new firmware is automatically downloaded to the headphones after they are connected to an iPhone, iPod or iPad. However, to ensure installation, it is recommended to open the box with the AirPods Pro inserted near the iPhone and wait for some time. Apple releases the new version gradually, so it is possible that some users will not have their headphones updated until the next few days.

You can check whether you already have a new firmware version for AirPods Pro installed directly on the paired device. Just plug in the headphones (or just open the box near the iPhone/iPad) and go to Settings -> In general -> Information -> AirPods Pro and check the item here Firmware version, at which it should be 2B588. If you still have the original version (2B584), you can use the headphones normally - the update will automatically download sometime in the future.

Source: iDropNews
